Let you store Wills in IPFS

  • Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, Tailwind, Solidity, Remix, Metamask, Express, Node, MongoDB
  • Github URL: Project Link

This project effectively solves the problems which govern the process of will distribution.Nowadays, we see many advocates deceiving their clients by manipulating the data about the assets or their distribution. We aim to make this possible by creating a decentralized application which will ensure fair distribution and stamp out the increasing number of conflicts which arise as a result of discrepancies and confusions in the current process.

Key Features:
  • Data is stored on the blockchain network hence, there would be no possibility to manipulate the data
  • Once the assets details are entered then no one can modify them
  • Safe and secure on the Blockchain Network
  • Since there can be no manipulation of data, the entire system is trustworthy and there is transparency
  • The cost to the person which served as a commission to the advocate, would be completely eliminated